Wack or Slap: Puppet Spectacular | Character Illustration
From the hit web series, "Wack or Slap" comes a character fan art designed by yours truly! These designs were created for a small youtube channel by the boys over at "Good Inc." I took the liberty of creating puppet characters based off the two co-hosts and designing them based off of some of their characteristics.
The one on the right is named Steven and in real life, Steven is quite tall and doesn't necessarily show too much emotion. Basically his character is more serious which brings the whole "Wack" part into perspective. I specifically designed their characters to be polar opposites just like the hosts themselves, which is where we lead into our next character.
Roger (puppet on the right) is a bit more playful and designed to be more quirky and uplifting to the comedy. He would be considered the "Slap" in the name. Both the character's expressions represent the kind of people they are in real life, which in turn represents them if they were ever silly little puppets doing food reviews.

If you'd like to check out their work, check out the youtube channel here!
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